“Take away the shepherd’s purpose, their place to do good as the protectors of the flock, and they will not become sheep, but rather wolves themselves.”
- Michael Davidson
Michael Davidson is a combat Veteran and the CEO of a private security company, Shepherd Security. While filming a commercial for his recently established business, Michael receives a series of new job offers in response to an attack against a multicultural centre, the violent suppression of a left-wing protest group, and a vicious assault against a liberal commentator. His success isn’t a coincidence, and Michael has more to do with the outburst in violent crime than he would have us believe.
Private Security is a short work of fiction combining elements of criminality, retribution, and social discourse detailing the latent effects of liberalism and the potential radicalization of the police, military, and security personnel as the shepherds of society and the protectors of the flock.
Private Security is a short work of fiction combining elements of criminality, retribution, and social discourse detailing the latent effects of liberalism and the potential radicalization of the police, military, and security personnel as the shepherds of society and the protectors of the flock.
"Private Security" is a short story available at no cost through the Smashwords distribution network.
Cover artwork by Bob and Jelena Gajic at B&J Design.
Copyediting by Writer's Digest.
Produced by FoeHammer Publications.
The story is somewhat semi-autobiographical.
Copyediting by Writer's Digest.
Produced by FoeHammer Publications.
The story is somewhat semi-autobiographical.